Wednesday, February 22, 2017

That's Nothing to Sneeze at


If you just came to US, you will notice that you've been sneezing more than ever before. Especially if you are in Oklahoma, don't get me started.

I used to think I got sick a lot in-between seasons because of diurnal temperature range. However, I realized it wasn't really bad after going through Oklahoma's crazy weather.

Plus, carpet and heater. Those don't help me at all. They are so dry and dusty. It totally makes sense that my immune system has been messed up.
*FYI, Korea's underfloor heating is the best heating system in the world. If you are reading this, you should seriously research about it.

I've been allergic to dust and pollen since I was little, but it happen only for a couple weeks. Now, I just live with hay fever every day.

When I went to Korea two summers ago, I barely sneezed and never got congested. My friend, Kalen told me that she didn't have hay fever when she went to California.

Thank you, Oklahoma!

Since I never had or heard of this in Korea, I always thought I caught a cold. Symptoms are very similar so I kept taking flu medicines. Didn't work.

What on Earth Is Hay Fever?

Hay Fever is an allergy caused by pollen or dust in which the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose are itchy and inflamed, causing a runny nose and watery eyes.
*For Koreans, the translation for hay fever is 건초열, but if you search allergic rhinitis (알레르기성 비염), you will find the right information for it.

2 years ago, a Korean lady I know told me that I was having allergy. I was confused. I only knew food allergy, drug allergy and animal allergy.

Then, she said it's a hay fever and I can never get away with it unless I move to other states or countries.

So I started taking allergy medicines and vitamin C, and eating local honey, ginger, turmeric and lemon. I have tried everything that increases my immunity. Unfortunately, nothing has worked yet.

Symptoms of Seasonal Allergy

  • itchy and watery eyes
  • sneezing
  • runny nose
  • itching of the nose or throat

Now I'm going through the worst hay fever in my life, and I'm telling you. It stinks.



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