Tuesday, March 21, 2017

If I can blog, you can blog, too!

Majority of blogs in Korea are about bloggers daily life, reviews of products, or recipes. I did not know that there were so many different kinds of blogs around the world. While I'm blogging, I learned that anything can be blogged. 

At the beginning of my blog, I only thought of some obvious topics about studying abroad like homesickness and the reason why I came here. It turns out that my everyday life can be topics. When it was a holiday back home, I immediately decided to write about it. When I was going through the worst hay fever in my life, I thought that was a unique (but not joyful) experience that I could write on my blog. Then, I started to think about my audience and how to make my blog more interesting to them.

Blogging is very important to my major. I'll be writing a lot like this in my future career. Especially for social media and blog. 

Since I am an international student, I need an extra effort on writing. Besides, I never wrote anything before because there is no writing class or assignment in Korea. Blogging has made me write regularly and finally I feel comfortable with it. I used to be panicked every time I got a writing assignment. But not anymore!

The most important thing I've learned from blogging is being a reader-friendly blog. If your post has big chunks of paragraphs, long sentences or no visual, people won't read your blog no matter how good the topic is.

I even blog in second language.

If I can blog, you can blog, too!



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